Felicity Faulkner


Felicity Faulkner

In Residence:
March - April, 2005


New York City


A major part of my five weeks stay at Bali Purnati has been about my mind learning to be still and allowing the essence of the place and the island to seep in.
In the USA (where I currently live), most are trained to be aggressively individual. It is quite the opposite in Bali. One is welcomed and wants to become a part of the whole: nature, time, community.
My first early morning sight of the almost unbearably beautiful rice terraces at Ceking, helped me understand this.I experienced the deepest desire to be part of the oneness.
Being here is a freeing experience for me.



Instead of analyzing what I see and hear, I start feeling through my whole body, using all my senses. Sounds start having color and colors start having sounds. Certain elements that I had initially found sharp and somewhat jarring, I’m beginning to experience as part of the over-all harmony, as balancing points and counter points.