Frengky Yenu


Frengky Yenu

In Residence:
April, 2005




I find the Bali Purnati to be a wonderful place. I’m very happy to stay and to work here. Purnati invited me to make some traditional paintings from Papua, where I come from. I’m planning to collaborate with an abstract painter from New York, Felicity Faulkner, who is also working at Purnati.

I’m making some drawings, abstract and figurative in a traditional Papua style. The subjects are human struggles and problems in the world we live in: incurable illness, the rich men forgetting the poor or people have a nice life dismissing God. As humans we must remember that we live together in one world.
After finishing figurative drawings I will be making some of shields with traditional patterns from Papua.



At the moment I’m doing work on the paper. Later the drawings will be transferred onto wood to create paintings.
I hope through this collaboration I can help introduce Papua art internationally.