Jane Ingram Allen



In Residence:
February 2009

Visual | Sculptor



Jane Ingram Allen is an American sculptor/installation artist and hand papermaker. At Purnati she worked on two projects: Printmaking Plants of Bali, Indonesia (created handmade papers using the leaves of banana, banyan tree, beach hibiscus, cogon grass, philodendron, sago palm and white-striped flax lily) and Map of Bali.
She is originally from Alabama and has been living in New York State since 1988. In 2004 she received a Fulbright Scholar Award for a six-month research project on hand papermaking in Taiwan. Her Fulbright grant was extended through July 2005 with sponsorship by the Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs/National Endowment for Culture and Art. Her relationship with Taiwan continues till today: she has been teachimng and living there for several years.
Jane’s artworks are site-specific installations that are inspired by nature and created from materials collected in a particular place and time. Many of her works change over time and are focused on environmental issues. She makes collaborative works and community art projects that involve viewer participation and integrate the process with nature as a partner.

For more information, please go here.